Depressed TV Viewer Watches Depressed TV Character Be Depressed in Kickass House
In a walkable neighborhood too? Damn!
GLENDALE, AZ — Local plumber Barry Jordan told reporters today that he’s still suffering from depression. Seeing his therapist and staying on top of his meds both seem to help, he says. But pop culture, according to Jordan, is confusing.
“Look, I know that having a nicer house won’t solve my issues, and I’m thankful for Dr. Bernal’s help,” said Jordan. “But just look at that walkability!”
Jordan is presumed to be referencing the popular situational comedy “Thinking,” which is about a therapist who has recently become a widower and is dealing with depression while still treating his patients.
Dr. Omri Bernal and Jordan conferred for a moment off mic, then Bernal stepped forward to the microphone.
“I think what Barry means is that while material things are nice, true happiness stems from-”
Bernal was interrupted at this point by Jordan, who was looking at his phone. Jordan shouted, “Look at the size of that back yard! And all their friends live nearby?! Holy shit!”
A minor scuffle ensued while Bernal tried to gain control of the phone. Dr. Bernal could be heard saying, “We talked about this!” Jordan, at one point, while still clutching the phone, hissed, “nobody can afford the property taxes on a place like that!”
After a bit more scuffling and some meaningful glares, Jordan capitulated and returned to the microphone. “Okay, fine. Dr. Bernal is right. I have more work to do. All’s I’m saying is I’d love to be able to walk to work.”
Hello walkability fans. Thanks for reading. Reminder: if you’re in the Atlanta area be sure to join me for a screening of my film The Mostly Serious History of Wine at City Winery on Feb 19th. Of course you can also watch the film any time at Apple, Amazon, or YouTube, but it’d be great to have you at the screening too.
Your pal,