I can’t tell you how much it up-rages me to hear people saying that our protest liquidation robots aren’t really using AI. They are!
What do you guys think? That we’ve hired a bunch of paramilitary folks offshore to pilot each of these robots remotely? HORSE BALLS.
They use full AI trained on the latest military tactics with a few 80s action flicks thrown in there for style. I thought that last bit was a bad idea but our investors get a real kick out of it.
Stop Hating Progress
Granted, during the testing phase, some of the systems were guided by experts who are outside the traditional so-called military system. Those folks had tons of relevant experience and were also able to test our by-wire systems by guiding the units from other locales.
And that testing phase is very much nearing its projected closure date announcement. So, to say that we’re not using full AI is just a straight up falsehood. Your hoods are false!
How Can We Be Wrong When There’s This Much Profit?
If you want to pick nits, pick nits. But the fact is funding for our robots is pouring in faster than we can count it. Do you really think the richest and oiliest companies in the world would dump money on AI robots that weren’t actually AI?
Don’t make me laugh! I’m gonna laugh anyway. Ha ha! Hahaha! I am laughing!