I Wish I Loved My Job Like This Underpaid Person Whom I've Totally Misunderstood
They really have it all figured out.
Life gets so crazy sometimes. Between my corporate leadership, managing my investments, and keeping up with our house and vacation house, sometimes I wish I could just simplify. Get off the grid for a while.
Maybe my sailboat is ready. Don’t they take it out of the water in the winter? To scrape something off it? Or onto it? I’ll have to text my boat guy. UGH. Tyler Durden was right. Things did end up owning me.
I’ll tell you who really has it all figured out: these baristas. They just hang out all morning, laughing. Sure, some people are pissy with their order. And they can’t be getting rich. But they do it because they love coffee. What else could it be?
God, they really have it figured out, don’t they?
On the way to my car I saw a guy digging a hole. Even something like that has to feel great. At the end of the day you’re probably tired or whatever, but this dude must really love landscaping. Why else would he do it?
I think I saw him out there earlier this week. I think he’s wearing the same jeans and ratty coat. What a life! Dude is in such a hurry to get out there and sculpt some dentist’s yard he doesn’t even change clothes. That’s living, right there.
I gotta check whether the sedan’s lease is up this month. I’ll get something else scheduled but changing over is a pain in the ass. God, even things I lease ended up owning me.
I’ll tell you who really has it all figured out: my kids teacher. I get it that the pay is low, but hell, we do most of the teaching. We watch the in-class camera feed and tell her exactly how to handle little Brayden. He’s going to be a leader some day and he’s naturally gonna act a little different.
I bet she rolls out of her classroom at 4:00 and is home with her feet up by 4:15. Never even thinking about those kids again. I went by once at 5:30AM on my way to the airport and I saw her car. She must really love that job.
I wish I knew what that was like.
Those people are probably thinking the same about you, rich man.
I just think it's so altruistic of people like this guy, who shoulder the burdens of wealth so the rest of us can toil long hours in service to the work we really love.