Kids Caught Cheating at Monopoly by Dad who is Under Indictment for Real Estate Fraud
Do as I say, kids. Not as I crime.
Listen, guys, there’s no point in playing the game if we don’t follow the rules, okay?
Brayden, you seem to have a lot of cash under the edge of the board there. I don’t remember you collecting that much rent. Are you sure all of that is yours?
Okay, thank you Aiydenn. Yes, its true Daddy is facing a little legal disagreement about financial interests at work. But that has nothing to do with this. Hold on, honey.
Keighdeinne, are you sure you landed on Park Place that time? Seems like you rolled a 9 but I think you accidentally bumped your top hat one extra space. And I don’t think you had quite enough cash to buy that property anyway.
Okay, hold on, K. Everyone’s yelling. Let’s simmer down.
Listen. Look, your mom and I were talking about how different valuations of Daddy’s investments could come back to bite us. Now Daddy’s a little bit indicted over it but it’s all a misunderstanding. It’s just adult money stuff, kids. Has nothing to do with-
Okay Brayden you are clearly slipping cash out of Aiydenn’s pile there. No, she didn’t agree to a cash infusion, she’s- Okay, yes, part of Daddy’s legal troubles includes some accounting errors but they weren’t malicious misappropriation. That’s what you’re doing.
Keighdeinne honey stop trying to sell Aiydenn a time share. That’s not even part of the game. What? Shush!
Shush all of you. Now listen. We don’t mention time share deals Daddy did. Daddy wasn’t part of the deal that went sour with Grandpa and Gamgams so let’s not say that again and definitely not around Mommy. Here, look. Each of you take one of Dad’s properties. There you go. Now we can just not ever talk about that again.
Yes. Wait. What? Where’d you learn that phrase? “Hush money?” Oh. You read Daddy’s indictment. Well, if you know what it means then you know your end of the deal is to hush. Your turn, Brayden.