Super Cool Tech Corp Has Cutting Edge Sexual Harassment
We're innovating every day and also we're horrible people.
IniTorp’s latest offerings in social media technology have made billions of dollars in the targeted advertising space. There is seemingly no technical hurdle the company cannot surmount. Yet some non-wealthy critics say the media should not be unabashedly praising an organisation whose culture is toxic but lucrative.
“I don’t think it’s controversial. It’s a fact. Our culture is rotten,” said Harry Minhandler, IniTorp CEO. “We’ve been publicly outed for a litany of creepy behaviours utilising our own targeting technology. We have a lot to think about.”
When asked if his company still made billions of dollars, Mindhandler delivered one of his trademark comedic replies. “Well, yeah we still make money but…” Minhandler trailed off in a very well funded fashion, then continued. “Listen to me. I don’t think you’re listening. We’re actively harming our own colleagues. We are reprehensible. I feel personally guilty for the role I have played in this and I’m working hard to turn it around.”
Minhandler then stood up in a very rich way and wealthily left the interview, shaking his head in a manner that indicated his company makes a lot of money.