Supreme Court Rails Against Ethics Probes From Atop Huge Pile of Grapes
We write the opinions and our opinion is: more grapes.
Held: To provide nourishment and also be delicious is the ultimate purpose of all fruit, particulary grapes. But if there is one thing that is not at all delicious it is the suggestion that this court should be held to ethical oversight.
If some members of this court are given gifts — e.g. grapes, bananas, exhorbitant fishing trips, recreational vehicles, non-recreational vehicles, hunting trips, drinking trips, hunting for more drinking trips, space travel, time travel, spicy trips with their spouses to do election fraud — then it is understood to amount to a sense of comeraderie between the wealthy elites who can afford such gifts and the court and nothing more.
No politics are, or have ever been, discussed by these elite benefactors and the court. It just hasn’t come up. And, frankly, to bring it up now is rude on the nation’s part.
If any justice has so-called “failed to disclose” any such gifts of grapes or bananas or whatnot, then it must be understood that the necessary forms are probably in this very room under all these grapes. You’re welcome to look for them. Not right now, but some other time.
Instead, we should be delivered more grapes immediately: preferably seedless and with a 6/3 split between red grapes and green.