The Mostly Serious History of Wine is out PLEASE WATCH IT
Watch my film. Watch my film. Watch my flippin film.
I’ve messaged you guys a few times about this during the presale period but I am pleased to announce that my film, The Mostly Serious History of Wine, is now fully released.
You can find it in the following places:
iTunes: Link Here
Amazon: Link Here
Google Play: Link Here
Microsoft Xbox: Link Here
Vimeo: Link Here
YouTube: Link Here
Back in the pre-pandemic days I was working on live theatre and other comedy shows. But when ol’ Papa Covid came to town I knew I had to switch to something that didn’t require attendance. That’s how I got started working on this project, and years later it’s finally done and delivered. I can hardly believe it.
I hope you’ll watch. I hope you like it. Please share with friends and let me know what you think (if you liked it).
This is a new one for me. I updated Curiousuty Stream, and they now include SOMM TV., just in case you weren't aware...